The last ordeal.

The last ordeal.

The episode in which the death of Achilles is counted as other events related
to the Trojan War have survived thanks to two of the most universal poems of
all time, the Iliad and the Odyssey, the eighth century BC Christ.

Attributed both to Homer.
The poet narrates, mainly in the second, the adventures of legendary heroes other Greeks,
Ulysses, called Odysseus in Greek hence the name of the story during the 10 year the War
Trojan And it took another 10 return home on the island of Ithaca.
addition to the risks and dangers to which he was exposed during the battle, returning to his homeland
Ulysses he fought many mythological creatures who tried to kill him or tried
prevent reaching his destination, his home, where they waited his wife and son.

Many dangers had to endure the hero for 10 years and to travel 300 km because of this
long journey is where comes from the expression "live an odyssey" we use to
mention,usually adverse, situations that have to expose someone at one
point or also a long journey full of adventures ,. bad or good, experienced by
someone Erasable that, in principle, one has not provoked.


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