The meaning of a handshake.

The meaning of a handshake.

How to shake hands says alot about us, when we shake hands, delicate or soft, strong or tense, if we
stare at the feet or eyes as we shake hands, if remove that hand too soon or grab until th another
uncomfortable ... all that say alot about who we are. a fairly common ritual in many parts of the world and among many things, starting with
chimpanzees: the most dominant sometimes have an open subordinates hand gesture to calm.
In human groups, however, especially to address the key people you wantimpres.
This type of greeting makes you more vulnerable to other.
Europe custom dictates that men should take the gloves to say hello. This could traced back to
the Middle Ages, when gloves were of steel and protected fighters. There are many traditions that
show this tendency to make you vulnerable when you say hello.
There An intermediate method to grips eat hands like that saying, not too soft or too hard, right at
the point, the custom of shaking hands is hard to change, since the handshake seems to us: you
can be confident or shy, warm or cold. Some studies have found a significant relationship between
how to shake hands and personality: Men shake hands more tightly the vigor with which grips the
other's hand is calculated, the time spent and look at his eyes were also extroverted, more open to
new experiences and less neurotic. Women who had high scores on these dimensions
(force, duration and eye) were more open and curiosas.También are more sympathetic to others
than women who shook hands less vigorously.
The worst way to shake hands, is with the palm down. It is reminiscent of the Nazi salute. When
someone shakes your hand with the palm down suggests that is an authoritarian and dominant person;
which he gives you hand it seems you are saying I can dominate and do what I want. Beware of this
kind of people.
Instead greeting would shake hands with the palm up: careful, because if you were palm up you give
control to other. This is handy, for example, when we want apologize. Thumb are also
important: when the hand is given, which puts the thumb on the top is the that is taking control.
This nuance very concerned politicians when taking photos with other leaders. Two people who
put thumbs in the same position are communicating equality.
The pressure also relevant. Gross seems that it breaks hand: broken hands, seeks show that is
strong and authoritative, and business trial demoralize his opponent nothing more say hello.
How to wrest control these gentlemen is tell clearly: I have pressed very hard.
Loose grip with clammy hands, it seems that instead of the hand is giving you a fish. Gate is
often perceived as the person who shakes your hand and has little interest in you or the meeting.
In fact, there a study that says a firm handshake in a job interview gives you better chances of
getting that job especially if you are because excel.

A General rule hands must give front, never down or up, unless you want apologize, and pressure
must be similar to you the other person, you can touch the elbow slightly, knowing this conveys
intimacy and control, this can be done in the next greeting, touching the elbow with the hand lightly,
as his name is repeated, looking him in the eye, smile and observe their reaction in most cases will
be positive.


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