Leonardo da Vinci ,Michelangelo Buonarroti,Raphael Sanzio.

Leonardo da Vinci (1452- 1519)

The great Renaissance genius, who died childless family never Case-,
was buried according to his will in the Saint-Hubert Chapel at the Amboise castle
city on the Loire River about 200 kilometers south of Paris.It is a fortress
medieval built in the 13th century which was destroyed several times by the Normans.
Da Vinci After the last three years of his life in another hotel in the same city Paris,
the ClosLucé,which also communicated by an underground passage with the
castle chosen as his final resting place.

Michelangelo Buonarroti (1475 -1564)

Before Finish the project to see the Basilica of San Pedro,Italian artist died
February 18, 1564, when he was 89 years old. Sidit the first funeral that received
the artist's body was in the Church of the Holy Apostles in Rome, but years later his
body was transferred to the Basilica Santa Croce in Florence, even where the
remains of Galileo Galilei. Apparently, the last wish was to be buried Buonarroti in Florence.

Raphael Sanzio (1483- 1520)

The Pantheon,Piazza della Rotonda 600 meters from the Fontana di Trevi was inaugurated
in 27 BC, this circular temple built by Agrippa,
63 years before Christ 12 BC, and friend General of Emperor Augustus, housed
inside the body of the author Renaissance artist Raphael works such as the Academy of Athens,
the Galatea or the marriage of the Virgin. It was the painter himself will that his remains rest
neverin this iconic temple in Roman Empire.


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