Gamecocks... ruin world peace.

Gamecocks... = 00


fight Gallo deburring, peak limiting and sprucedthe style of Cuba.
Called cocks, or combat fighting belong to a group of races or racial types of domestic chicken(Gallusgallusdomesticus)which are characterized by highly aggressive behavior and raised extensively with the aim of facing males together by way of fun and entertainment for those who like this type of shows.
The aggression is manifested in females as in males atearly age andfew months of life is essentialseparate the malesone another to prevent squabbling, because they do not tolerate sharing the same space.
An important factor regarding this behavior is seasonal. When the roosters are going through moult annual plumage significantly reduce their aggression and tend to refuse the fight.
What best distinguishes the Gamecocks other breeds of domestic chickens is their behavior. Gamecocks have highly developed sense of territoriality and seen as rivals to those who transgress the boundaries of their territory.
In most animal species Polygamous of nature,the males are fighting each other, but most of the fights havelot of bravado or threat. The effect sought with them is only take place atintruder. Males fighting outside its territory flee more easily than when they are in yours.1
In this respect, the attitude of the Gamecocks is different because in frank renunciationthe survival instinct, they can maintain their combat readiness indefinitely, often continuing the fight until the death of one of the contenders. Admirers of these roosters associate this attitude with human virtue of courage or bravery.
latter defines another characteristic of the Gamecocks is known as "law," "fineness" or "caste".
The law, finesse or caste is one of the qualities most prized by breeders of fighting cocks. Gallera tradition is sacrificing entire families of fowls when one of their children has refused combat with a few injuries, or even without being hurt.2
Hens mothers are often the most blamed this "defect" because tradition gives them a major role in the inheritance of this character. One of the adages cock breeders State Campeche, Mexico,, reads: "The chickens give the law, roosters spur", wantingexpress this than females transmit to their children the courage and ability to hit gallo or hurt.2thereno documentary evidence to support this belief so deeply rooted amongBring

Breeders tendbase the selection of breeding females almost exclusively on this character. If a rooster abandons the fight, his mother is "casserole" but if a parent has had several winning children fighting continues asplayer unless the fact is repeated with children of other hens.2
Although males are typically bought and sold in marketing Gamecocks, tradition with females is totally different: The chickensnot sold or bought. Only females pass from one breeder to another by gift or loan and only then female chicks that chicken can be obtained. A mother hen tested in the fight roosters chicken is considered a "proven" and is a very precious gift among breeders.
Because of the many crossovers between roosters and breeding hens and zeal and discretion of the breeders, itsometimes impossibledistinguish the racial origin of birds. Howeverthey can distinguish some breeds or racial types that have given rise to a whole current roosters fight. roosters, came to ruin ... Gentlemen, should enclose and peck outside demagoguery, verbiage and any other threat. You know why? IT'S SIMPLE. They are a danger to world peace AND MUCH MORE ...

Go cards ...


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