As a very important part of our experience in this life, emotions give us much information about what we are experiencing when interacting with others, and here is a list of the most common emotions and feelings.
Something enormously important to know the types of emotions and feelings that we experience.
The richness of your emotional life has a direct relationship with the knowledge of the kind of emotions that you feel.
This means that the more know emotions, even if at first only in name, are you going to able identify when come into your life, and most importantly you will be better prepared for what do against them, either receiving or shut them down situations that generate, inside and outside of you.
List of emotions and feelings in alphabetical order:
  • Abandonment, dejection, (be) Overwhelmed, Boredom, Abuse, acceptance, Accompaniment, Admiration, Affection, Affliction, Agobio, Thankful, TORT, Aggression, Alarm, exultation, Joy, Relief, Alteration, helpfulness, Bitterness, Ambivalence, love, heartbreak, longing, anxiety, apathy, addiction, support, approval, Harmony, Regret, Arrojo, Asco, Amazement, Attraction, Absence, Autonomy.
  • Kindness, generosity.
  • Calm, Honey, jealousies, Censorship, Closeness, Anger, Compassion, Competition, Understanding, Commitment, Concentration, condescension, Confidence, Confusion, Grief, consideration, Consuelo, Content, Disgruntled, Correspondence, Care, Blame, Curiosity.
  • Disappointment, Dependency,Depression,Defeat, Discouragement, heartbreak, helplessness, despair, Restlessness, Bewilderment, Distrust, Inconsideration, Desconsuelo, Disdain, Misfortune, Desencanto, Desire, Despair, listlessness, Laziness, disappointment, demotivation, Desolation, Disorientation, Scorn, disrepute, Unprotecting, Destruction, helplessness, Misadventure, Devaluation, Bliss, Dignity, dysphoria, disgust, Pain, Domination, Duda, Duel.
  • Fairness, Empathy, Charming, Anger, Deceit, Enjuiciamiento,Anger,Excitement, Envy, Espanto, Hope, Estima, Shudder, Stupor, Euphoria, Exaltation, exasperation, Excitation, Extasis, Strangeness.
  • Bummer, Happiness, Fervor, Firmness, Phobia, Fortaleza, Failure, Fragility, Frenzy, Frustration, Fury.
  • Generosity, Gozo.
  • Honesty, honor, Hostility, Humility, Humiliation.
  • Illusion, Impatience, imperturbability, impotency, Disability, Incompatibility, Misunderstanding, nonconformity, incongruence, Disbelief, Indifference, Outrage, unsteadiness, Unhappiness, Inferiority, Unfairness, restlessness, dissatisfaction, insecurity, inadequacy, Integrity, Interest, intolerance, Dauntless, Intrigue, invasion, Anger, irritation.
  • Jubilation, Justice.
  • Too bad, Freedom, Achievement, lust.
  • Manipulation, Melancholy, Contempt, pettiness,fear,discomfort, Motivation.
  • Need, Nostalgia.
  • Obligation, clouding, obstinacy, hate, Omnipotence, Optimism, pride, ostentation.
  • Patience, Panic, Paralysis, Passion, Awe, Peace, Pena, Laziness, Pursuit, Belongings, Grief, Pessimism, Pleasure, Plenitude, worry, arrogance, modesty.
  • Anger, rebelliousness, suspicion, rejection, Exhilaration, Spite, Repudiation, Resentment, Reserve, Resignación, Respect, resentment.
  • Satisfaction, Security, Serenity, Sympathy, Soledad, Solidarity, Submission, Surprise, Sosiego, Sufficiency, Submissive.
  • Fear, Temperance, Temptation, Tenderness, Stubbornness, Terror, Shyness, Tolerance, Treason, Tranquility, Sadness, embarrassment.
  • Unity
  • Vulnerability.


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