The life of St. Peter.

The life of St.Peter (Pedro).-

San Pedro Lacked studies, but soon distinguished among the disciples for his strong personality and his closeness to teacher, often setting themselves as spokesmen the group. Through the Gospels can be drawn a fairly complete profile of your personality. Pedro is simple, generous and impulsive in their speeches, which sometimes denote misunderstanding of the true message of the teacher. Jesus,meanwhile, shows a predilection for Simon appears clear from the first meeting. Along with James and John, Peters Involved in all the activity of Jesus, even attending intimates that the other apostles were excluded episodes. In Capernaum, Jesus must often be guest of the family from which came Peter's wife.
cruz cristiana.jpgThe nickname Peter Jesus put to point out as the "rock" (petra in Latin) on which he would build his Church, and this detail was misinterpreted "a posteriori" or perhaps has another meaning that some Christians of that time given. At Caesarea Philippi,northeast of Lake Tiberias, the episode took place in St. Peter affirmed the divinity of Jesus: "You are Christ, the Son of living God" (Matthew 16, 16.). Jesus the Messiah judged the statement as result of illumination from above and conferred upon Peter the highest authority, "Blessed are you, Simon son of Jonah, for was not revealed you that flesh and blood, but my Father . in heaven and I tell you that you are Peter, and upon this rock build my church, the gates of hell not prevail against it will give the keys of the kingdom of heaven and whatever you bind on earth will.. also bound in heaven: and whatsoever thou shalt loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven"(Matthew 1617-19) .Here almost all the argument beginning and unstoppable empire is Roman Catholic Based,whether well or it is not, for good or bad, true or not, his career ran dizzily through history. And likewise, other important variations in Christian,Faith, Protestant and variables Orthodox etc. As the story goes all the pillars of the early Christians, they have developed their natural groups or sects,in the best sense of the word.    

Impetuous and sincere personality, San Pedro also had moments of weakness. According The Gospel account, Peter denied even knowing Jesus three times the night he was arrested, fulfilling a prophecy he had made the teacher; but repented of that denial, his faith did not return to waver and after the crucifixion and resurrection, was privileged with the first appearance of Jesus and devoted himself to spreading his teachings.


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