Emotions are the result of how experience, physically and mentally, integration between our inner world of the outside world. For a human, emotions expressed through behaviors, expressions of feeling and physiological changes. Although the basic emotions are universal, emotional experiences or feelings are more personal to the extent that spread the mood of each person, his temperament, personality, disposition and motivation. Every gesture we make, every glance what surrounds us and every feeling that moves us are dictated by emotion. Emotions are not a luxury or something dispensable, are not a stream of feelings and sensations passengers and unimportant, but walking us every minute and our behavior through d

pain and pleasure. Emotions are key because they modulate each of our gestures, longings, desires and motivations and push us around the world howsolve problems, to exchange with others, create, discover, hate or destroy. Assays, Maya Angelou People forget what you say, people forget what you do, but never forget how you make feel.
 Although we all inhabit basic and universal emotions, we develop and express in terms of our genetic profile, our circumstances and the surrounding environment. But we all want be loved, and i do not love us look ways to protect against the indifference or aggression of others; and we all want explore the world eat but if that endangers us develop tactics for the outside world can not attack point to some, it meant a noisy conquest and braggart, for others, a meeting any adventure or a series of attempts to approach others, followed by evasive maneuvers that mystify our relatives. The wound may be the same for many, but the ways of dealing the pain that this causes will always varied.

Do not contaminate others, think before sending an unpleasant or say something negative message. We have a great capacity to do harm or to give joy to others, consciously or unconsciously to infect our emociones¡ repartir and contagiar the positive!


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