CEREBRAL.- plasticity.

CEREBRAL.- plasticity

In Proverbial way we are programmed to change the natural component of our brain plasticity.

https://cdn.pixabay.com/photo/2015/02/24/09/15/connection-647217_960_720.jpgIn fact we can change. Although intuitively we have it hard, this happens because we have not learned to manage a brain whose structures and functions, contrary to what was believed for decades, are prepared to change. These features of the brain is what we call "brain plasticity", which the neurologist Norman Doidge,author of the brain that changes
itself, defined as the characteristic brain adaptable.La be changeable and plasticity of the brain is what It allows you modify their structures and functions in response to mentales.Estas experiences include, perceive, plan and execute motor and imagine actions.
-People by nature tend chose a rigid behavior, says Norman doidge and calls"the paradox of plasticity", our brains are ready to adopt behaviors as rigid or flexible as enter the brain.
-The habits, thoughts and behaviors in the brain can be set.
You can imagine that our brain is a snowy mountain in invierno.Hay elements of this mountain that you are given, as the slope of hillsides, rocks, snow consistency ... These would be our genes, says Alvaro Pascual Leone,and we're born with them.
We can continue imagining a sled starts down this montaña.La first time you download followed the easy way depending on the characteristics of the hill and how conduce.Si you spend the whole afternoon sledding down will create several trails and youlike much use; They are very marked by the footprints of the sled and getting out will cost you more ways to create those paths nuevos.Ese is your cerebro.A dint of repeating things more or less same, the automática.Esto can take you to adopt habits good and bad firs.

Once you create bad habits,is difficult get out of them because they are fast and well trodden paths by which the sled slides solo.Si want change these paths have to block the urge to follow, to open new senderos.Esto means that the characteristics we now know the brain plasticity, their ability to change physically and renovarse- has a good side and a bad malo.El is costing us unlearn behaviors once we consolidado.Y goodis that we can change if learn to undo caminos.Explica Normans that what humans tend do is observe our behaviors and created by ourselves, and affirm: my brain is stiff, I can not change or alter what I do ".¡Pero clear your brain can change!just happens that you commented behaviors and rigid, and when no alternative use certain brain functions begin to degrade these.


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