Making good decisions is not easy.
Making good decisions is not easy.
The feeling of inferiority often accompanied the rejection of self and low self esteem. Usually we do not get what we want because ultimately we want that we do not deserve. Difficulty sleeping, anxiety and decay that many people feel are caused by lack of confidence, uncertainty and feelings of helplessness that overwhelm him.
Understandably, the terror of loneliness is an evil of our day. All need be emotionally connected to others. Feel alone implies feel helpless, sad, guilty and confused. In fact, forced isolation is one of the most cruel tortures. The fear of loneliness is especially distressing when do not know the cause, by our ignorance to feed feeling of helplessness. I Not Surprised if the main problem that faces society was a deep unconscious fear of intimacy, and this detail we can individualize each of us. Connect to your feelings and understand their motivations reinforce the feeling of control of life, so necessary to overcome fear and pessimism which now paralyzes, paralyzes life I mean. In these cases where loneliness mix. Boredom and low self esteem spend a couple of hours a week a voluntary activity is often very beneficial. It is shown that "volunteer" nurtures self esteem, it helps us realize how much we can offer to others.addition not remove the insulation and refreshes us to share our time with people of good heart.
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