Parental Control on television.

Parental Control on television.

Each family uses certain rules at the time to watch some TV. According to a study there are basically three types of rules:
  1. The usual, when parents set the hours that children can watch TV and control subjects allowed for minors. It is also a common rule when the rule is that the parent who works has right to choose the program because it is considered a reward when the supplier or who has more authority and privileges at home. In these cases the rules and negotiated or discussed.
  2. (depends on changes) are related standards permitted when watching TV, ie behavior, which itself is negotiable, for example, what favorite show is to see or comment on a topic for the publicitary advertisements.
  3. The tactics are those that a family member used to maintain harmony with other people. For example, when someone renounces to please watch your favorite show affection or consideration or another program.

The place that is chosen to watch TV also has an effect on family dynamics. For example, there are families who watch the show during lunch, dinner or afternoon or noche.Some families always have on, they say that they like have background noise because they are accompanied. Others have a rule turn on the TV only during a specific time of. However, it should be noted that the family evolves and changes over time, so the established rules and dynamics also are changing, and this evolution influences the selection of favorite programs selected and the rules that apply to it. Not the same when the family has young children when all its members are adults. Also influences the place where the television apparatus is placed. In some homes the television is placed in an open space (living room or kitchen) where you can hear the rest of the family members even if they are in another room of the house, but other familiar environments television has a secluded location the rest of the family, has its own room, TV room, therefore the rules revolve mainly around it.


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