Sleep at night to day living.

Sleep at night to day living.

Men invented electricity. The street lamps and lights our homes ended the border weakened night and day. Thus we suppress the wise routines of our ancestors: rise with the sun and gobed when it gets. Now man's activity is constant during the 24 hours it takes the Earth to circle around its axis. Night and day night confunden.La is no longer just for sleeping.

The human brain is programmed to sleep at night and be awake the day. Our muscular system is also prepared to make efforts day and rest at night. However,trygo against the dictates, which makes ourhealth.
Science teaches us that our brain has built a group of cells that acts as the biological clock that dictates wakefulness and sleep, and that the clock light and darkness is regulated: when the light we are awake, when darkness dream prevails.
During the day generate cutting, a hormone that keeps us alert. Therefore we trouble sleeping during the day. When light, the brain begins to secrete melatonin, a hormone that leads us. Body temperature drops and disappears immediately the hormone that keeps us alert. Industrialized society requires a large group of people who work at night: people in hospital, police, train drivers, airline pilots, journalists etc. Despite this need, we should not overlook that go against our biology dictates serious consequences for our mental and physical health. considered that after 35 years the brain can already show signs of affected by the lack of basic sueño.Es for both health workers and profitability and business organization, this data is considered when distributed work shifts. Ignore this would be a recklessness that would endanger the health and performance policies laboral.Las health protection should focus on choosing the best shift workers will adapt, for which should take into account which of them is best tolerant shift sleep- wakefulness.
Night time: the time span of at least 7 hours included between 12pm and 5 am.
Night worker: is working at least 3 hours during the night time, between 19 and 6 am.

90% of accidents occur between midnight and 6am, so does accidents tráfico.Los night workers have a 3% increase in divorce, 20% more likely to suffer depression or crises anxiety disorders and gastrointestinales.Cometen a higher percentage of errors in the workplace (fatigue and loss of concentration) .This is important when handling hazardous materials or must make decisions that involve the safety of others and theirs recent mismos.Estudios indicate that for every 15 years of night work, life expectancy is shortened five years.The people who, because of the performance of their profession, do not sleep the hours needed are dangerous for both themselves and those who depend on night work ellas.El conlleva- depending on personal sensitivity and lack of sleep a significant risk to carry out resp rvice during waking hours.


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