Human development.
Human development.
Human beings are the result of the interaction of our
genetic tendencies with the environment in which we form conception, and
the family, social and cultural environment in which we grow up and
live. Over the years, the quality of this interaction can boost and
promote, or stop and break, the development of our innate potential and, as a
result, configure the construct of ourselves.
genetic background and our natural needs.
The Modeler power of the genes on
our way of being is unquestionable.
This proven and demonstrated intelligence,
temperament, the interest in activities like hunting or fishing, the talent for
music or dance, the aptitude for the sport, inclination to optimism or
pessimism and adaptability depend, in some way, the baggage of genes that
we want the world. And self-esteem eludes us this dependency of the
deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA). Gene exerts its influence through our
personality, which is molded by the messages of the environment in which we
develop and live. Not surprisingly, therefore, rule out the impact of
social factors and the imponderables of life on the perception and assessment
of ourselves. We all know people who come to the world with great
potential to assess positively whose perceptions of themselves is disfigured by
growing in a hostile environment or by the effects of unexpected misfortunes
that undermine their self-esteem. And us or less the creatures that are
born with a nefarious genetic load, but that develop in a favorable environment
enjoy a full and rewarding life. The newborns are genetically programmed
to claim, loudly, that was them food, protect them and keep them
comfortable. A few days of coming to world and begin to attract a wide
range of sounds and images, to feel smells and caresses, and already distinguish
between their body and their caregivers. In a few weeks the babies acquire
perspective to observe, and that examined intrigued her hands as they move
them. For young children the "I" and the "me" is
simply your body. Two years already respond to its mirror image with
statements like that yours or look at me, and exist in what they can do with
their hands or legs. The rewarding feeling of control things in the
environment is very early. There is more to see the joy expressed by
infants when they notice that their actions have effect, as when moving your hands,
the dolls or sounding bells hanging in front of them in the cradle. Little
by little the 'I' and the 'my' acquired a broader meaning and represent not
only the set of physical traits that make up your body, but also their
thoughts, their mood and their actions. In addition, creatures do not take
long to imitate and incorporate the qualities seen in important adults in their
environment to their repertoire.
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