El Cid and his sword.

El Cid and his sword.
One of the secular relics that can be visited in our country
https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/2/26/Burgos-El_Cid-2.jpg(Spain, large country where any, culturally and historically) and loaded upon himself the weight of history the greatest Spanish hero, Rodrigo Díaz de Vivar, the Cid (1043 - 1099). It is his rapier sword, which is currently in the cathedral of Burgos, where the remains of the Cid and his wife Jimena. El Cid captured the tizona the king Bucar of Morocco During a battle that maintained in Valencia, and later gave to his nephew Pedro Bermúdez. From 1444 and for years, the weapon was exhibited in the Army Museum in Madrid, until in September 2009 he was transferred to the cathedral of Burgos, hometown hero. After some studies carried at the Complutense University of Madrid, it was determined that indeed his blade, 78.5 cm long by 4.5 cm wide, dating from the 11th century, while a handful might have been made the during the time of the Catholic Kings in the fifteenth century.

Rodrigo Díaz (Vivar del Cid, Burgos?,2 c. 10483-Valencia, 1099)was a gentleman Castilian which came to dominate in front of his own mesnada the Levante of the Iberian Peninsula the late eleventh century autonomously respect to the authority of any king. He managed conquer Valencia and settled in this city an independent dominion since   June 17, 10944 to his death; his wife Jimena Díaz inherited and continued until 1102,when he went back to Muslim rule.
https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/0/05/El_Cid_de_Sevilla.jpgI though later legend as national (and more specifically hero Castilla)or crossed in favor of the Reconquista,throughout his life was put to the orders of different leaders, both Christians and Muslims, really struggling as his own master and for their own benefit, so the portrait of him doing some authors is similar to of a mercenary,a professional soldier who serves in exchange for pay.5
This is a historical and legendary figure of the Reconquista,whose life inspired the most important epic poem in Spanish Literature,the Cantar de mioCid.It has gone down as "the Campeador'(' expert in pitched battles') or" El Cid"(dialectal Arab سيد SIDI,'Lord').


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