For good development in emotional intelligence it is necessary to empathize, the cornerstone of emotional intelligence.
Listen and make the effort to understand the emotions, thoughts and intentions of the other reports on its needs. But there are many ways to communicate and many feelings that accompany different circumstances, therefore learn to differentiate also takes time. Becoming aware of emotions and needs other's,well as time and patience, put interest in speaking and listening and exchange and share information. To teach to be help, for example, ask: What do you think will be feeling that person ?, or comment, regarding the situation of another: I can imagine that there must be having good,seems that is sad ... how you You feel if you were in his situation ?. A conversation, let flow is asking questions, listening and encouraging the use of imagination to put yourself in another are some recommended ways to stimulate and arouse empathy.
We must think for ourselves.
Educate emotions includes learning to think for oneself. Learn to make their own decisions favors the sense of responsibility and sense that one has control over his own actions, what it is autonomous. Have autonomy in thoughts and decisions contributes to self confidence and good self esteem development. It is education is a process that can be learned at any time of but especially begin to build the pillars during childhood. The key is to ask behavior against a situation: we could do as we thought we could go, how much we had in what has happened, we might do differently in the future if we feel responsible in some situation etc. Faced Questions how are you is essentially the person think and reflect on their response, and avoid interrupting to answer for himself.
During the process of learning to make decisions and think for oneself it is very constructive allow in the case of children, like adults, describe their experiences in their daily lives.When we let the other possible Moss reflections that can think and decide.
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