Faith and religion in Postmodernism.

Faith and religion in Postmodernism. Postmodernism have also influenced the world of religious belief Western society today is characterized by its marked secularization and its pervasive secularism. The atheism very humanistic of modernity it possible compare religion the"opiumofthepeople",according Marx,or a "neurotic relic",as wrote Freud,has been transformed by the postmodern man in  agnosticism and nihilism agnostic He says it is impossible know whether God exists or not and that, therefore,is better talk about something preferable settle the present life and forget about the intention of responding to the ultimate questions. Is best fitted perfectly into the finitude without miss anything, not even God. This attitude has proliferated considerably in West. As regards our country, Enrique Tierno Galvan  helped put fashionable among Spanish nonbelievers. Agnosticism would, according the late mayor of Madrid, the position of the future that replace atheism. The modern atheist categorically denied the existence of God, the postmodern agnostic simply says it's impossible know. Is there any practical difference between two positions? The end result remains the same. It is unbelief that seeks accommodate the brevity of human life looking the same sense of values alien to the divine.

It should be a priority for all the completeas people of high intellectual level, no longer if the university or like, but of practical experience and experimental case.

Meanwhile nihilism as denial of any religious, political or social beliefs, has also strongly rooted in contemporary man contributing to spiritual atrophy observed today. Nietzsche rightly prophesied: "describe what is coming: the advent of nihilism. What story is the story of the next two centuries. " And indeed it has been. Postmodernism has learned to deny almost all values of the past: truth, freedom, reason, goodness, morality and belief in God. Life without transcendent ideals or goals has become the most common form of existence humana.La underlying question behind all postmodern behavior is always the same: why deal with questions for which there are no clear answers, what waste valuable time with rationally unprovable assumptions?


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